Green Peace
Let's start a green peace movement! Purposefully beautify vacant lots and storm drains. With vision and a willingness to collaborate with like-minded people, our green spaces can become super pollinators. We can improve the quality of life by working to produce clean food, clean soil, clean air, and clean water. A green peace movement will cultivate a sense of respect for all of creation. Plant life matters, too. Creation care allows for inner peace to rest within us and the neighbor walking past. Caring for green spaces allows us to experience the promise of G-d to restore our communities, our city.
In the biblical text Isaiah 61:3-4, there is the promise that G-d gives beauty for ashes, peace for despair, and restoration of the city.
Then G-d said, “Let the land sprout with vegetation—every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.” And that is what happened.- Genesis 1:11 [NLT]
Join with us. It's time to dance with the butterflies and sing with the bees!