Consider the Source
Hope and résistance refuses to surrender. Fragile though we may sometimes be we are stronger together. Let us use what we have to gain what we need.
Though intense, this evil we face off with today is not new. Neither is the source of our liberation. A luta Continua.
Psalm 25:1-5 Easy-to-Read
Lord, I put my life in your hands.
2 I trust in you, my God, and I will not be disappointed. My enemies will not laugh at me.
3 No one who trusts in you will be disappointed. But disappointment will come to those who try to deceive others. They will get nothing.
4 Lord help me learn your ways. Show me how you want me to live.
5 Guide me and teach me your truths. You are my God, my Savior. You are the one I have been waiting for.